We have been in the valley of mental despair and have felt the torture of physical pain. Dr. Wayne spent more than a year literally crawling on the floor, suffering from debilitating muscle spasms. His wife Angie suffered from a temporary insanity following the birth of their 2nd child called postpartum psychosis.
Dr. Wayne aspired to be a Medical Doctor and even took his MCAT and passed. But, he had his own health issues that were going to be “managed” instead of “eliminated”. He started to ask “why” about the approach of the medical model. Why was medicine the answer for a symptom, like a bandaid, instead of digging into the root of the problem? What body system imbalance was happening upstream that led to these symptoms?
While we respect the medical model because it has saved our lives, we believe it is there for crises, not prevention. We encourage our patients to get treated here in order to later prevent a trip “there”.
Our team members have their own stories of physical and mental health challenges. Each of them were patients before they were employees.

We feel your pain on every level. Whether it shows up as emotional, structural or social, we’ve been there, we understand and are reaching out our hands and heart to help.
Too many Doctors don’t take the time to listen and to get the whole story. They miss out on key pieces in solving your health puzzle. After all, you are a whole person and every part of you plays into your health picture. We understand the value of listening and pausing for you. You are more than a chart, a record, a number. That’s why we get your history, order labs, suggest life coaching and/or emotional release therapy and suggest dietary and lifestyle changes along with recommended supplements. It’s not just up to us to get you well, it’s also up to you.
Together, we will make a plan to get you where you want to be.
The plan will include our treatment intervention, lifestyle changes necessary and nutritional supplements. It will also include the time and money investment needed. You will be “in the know” from the get-go! No stressful surprises.